Upcoming Workshops

Mindful Intimacy: Challenging Stigma to Unlock your Pleasure

March 16th 4:00pm-5:30pm

Arlington Heights, IL

Self-Care Is Essential


Presentations and interactive workshops are uniquely shaped to meet the needs of each population. Schedule a consultation today and share more about your needs and how I can help.

  • Relationships

    Our relationships can be hard to manage. Psychoeduation about boundaries, communication and connection can enrich relationships for couples, families friends, and co-workers.

  • Sexual Health

    Your erotic life is essential and you deserve magnificent sex. Workshops can be focused on sex education, tools for increasing desire, and improving the mind body connection.

  • Self-Care

    Life is stressful and self-care needs to be more than pedicures and wine nights. Learn mindfulness skills as well as tools to better manage stress and anxiety.